Problems and disagreements when extracting data in Jupyter outside the Codebook environment.


I notice a problem when I pull data in my Jupyter notebook, and when I pull the same data with the same way on the CodeBook environment, this problem does not appear.

However, for more flexibility in my work, I need to get these data outside the CodeBook environent.

Below you can see two prints that ilustrate the situation:

On my Jupyter Notebook:


On the CodeBook enviroment:


Notice that is the same code in both situations. However, when I filter the data by the Analyst Name, in Jupyter we see different names of broker houses for the same analyst in a small period of time (in this case, only 10 days). On the other hand, in CodeBook this error don't happen.

What is this? Anyone knows if is possible to fix that?


Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @manuel.alvarez

    I noticed that your local notebook environment is connected to the Platform session access point (RDP) as follows:


    Please be informed that when you are using the Codebook App, it always connects to the Desktop session access point by default as configured in the _RefinitivDataLibrary/refinitiv-data.config.json file.

      "sessions": {
        "default": "desktop.codebook",
        "desktop": {
          "codebook": {
            "app-key": "DEFAULT_CODE_BOOK_APP_KEY"

    The Desktop and Platform sessions source data from different data source, so the data and content set might not be the same.

    I have tried your code in my local Jupyter notebook with RD Lib version 1.5.1 connects to the Desktop session. The result is the same as on Codebook App.


    Please try to change your local refinitiv-data.config.json to connect to the Desktop session and re-test the issue.

    • The Workspace/Eikon desktop application must be running in the same machine.
