api updates / better docs

hi, the eikon data api is now quote "old" without any updates whatsoever. does this mean that there wont ever be extensions to the functionality and we have to live with all the shortcomings (get_timeseries only has 5 fields, get_data not having proper history, fields missing, some get history, others dont) forever?

also, documentation wise its a little bit poor, compared even to almost every open source project. are you guys aware of that?for example: i found this api call in the docs: send_json_request but virtually zero documentation about it. the docs tease with "...Returns the JSON response. This function can be used for advanced usage or early access to new features..." but how are we supposed to know what kind of "advanced usage" we can do with it?

Best Answer

  • Hi @andreas01, I'm sorry to hear of the dificulty you are facing using the Eikon Data API (EDAPI) and the lack of documentation. Please note that EDAPI was updated to RD in line with the upgrade from Eikon to Workspace, ask shown here.

    In line with this, please use the updated RD library if possible and let us know if you find other similar shortcomings in the RD lib. and I will pass on this information to our internal teams.


  • Hi @jonathan.legrand thank you so much for your quick response and explanation. that does make sense and i will focus on the RD api from now on. a quick glance at the docs looked promising, particularly regarding the things i was annoyed by most, so thats a huge plus.

    thanks again