Using Perl I get error 400 Invalid request when Posting item belong to DDS service which is an ATS S


I Use the Perl example from the GitHub, I try to Post data of a specific RIC, i changed only the ric name, host name, user name and added "Service" = "DDS" to the post message part, all is flowing great until the post, the login is working, when I send the request i get the stream is open, but i get 400 Invalid request as response to the post

this is what I send in the post

encode_json({ "ID" => 2, 
"Type" => "Post",
"Domain" => "MarketPrice",
"Ack" => JSON::true,
"PostID" => 1,
"PostUserInfo" => { "Address" => $position, "UserID" => Int($$) },
"Message" => { "ID" => 0, "Type" => "Update", "Domain" => "MarketPrice",
"Fields" => {'BID' => 45.55, 'BIDSIZE' => 18,
'ASK' => 45.57, 'ASKSIZE' => 19} } });

and I get

'NakCode' => 'DeniedBySrc',
'ID' => 2,
'Type' => 'Ack',
'Text' => '[400]: Invalid Request',
'AckID' => 1,
'Key' => {
'Service' => 'DDS',
'Name' => 'MO=FIBP'

any Idea's what I am doing wrong ?

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