The modificationDate is not updated when a result object changes.

The modificationDate is not updated when a result object changes.


  • I screen individual "Putin" at 4pm today and a case is created with 18 results.
  • When I call SEQ-case-investigate-case-details: Fetch full case details, I see the modificationDate of the screen is 4pm today (this is good).
  • When I call SEQ-case-investigate-results: Get screening results, I see that the modificationDate for all the results is the same time, 4pm today (this is good).

  • At 5pm I give a resolution (through your site) to one of the 18 results as False, No Match.

  • When I call SEQ-case-investigate-results: Get screening results again, I now see the resolution information, with the resolutionDate of 5pm today (this is good). But, the modificationDate for the record is NOT changing, it still shows 4pm today instead of 5pm today.
  • The same is true when I add a "Review" to a result - the review section is updated in the result details with a reviewDate of 5pm today, but the modificationDate does not change.

Questions: Is there another way to get when a screening result has changed? Do we need to look at reviewDate, resolutionDate, and modificationDate? Are there other dates we need to look at?

Best Answer

  • Hi @jp,

    Thanks for reaching out to us!

    To further comment on your query,

    • Result/Record Modification Date: When you screen an entity and in the results array for each matched record you will be able to find the creationDate and modificatioDate. This modificationDate will only be changed if there are any specific changes to the existing details of the matched result.
    • Case Modification Date: The case modificationDate will be changed whenever you perform any kind of modification to your case it may be whether resolving, reviewing, rescreening etc.,

    Hope this clarifies, please feel free to reach out to me if you have any additional questions.



  • Hi @jp ,

    Thanks for your response!

    I've tried to replicate the same workflow on my side and can confirm that it is working fine as expected on my end (modificationDate is same in UI and API response as well with no delay)

    Can you please let me know your email address so that will send out the meeting invite to further discuss on this.

