how can I get all the instruments/companies that has the field information?

Hi all, I'm using Refinitiv data platform on Jupyter lab, Windows.

So I'm trying to get all the companies that disclosed their emissions data, not a certain number of companies. However, the code creator requires me to put "instrument" to generate the code.

How do I get all the list of the companies with the certain fields?

Just FYI, initially I was trying with the screener app with the universe "Public & Private Companies", but there were too many companies to manually download all.

Best Answer


  • Hi! @jonathan.legrand yeah I was using Screener before, and it was far more than 5000 results, so I had to manually download it by filtering them to smaller data sets but it's too many and too tedious so I was trying to see it I can do it through an api & codecreator

  • Hi , in that case, I'd advise using Search. Have you had time to try it? Does it work in your use case?