OpenDACS C++ API is crashing when using DACS sink daemon ms140 installation


We have upgraded the version DACS sink daemon to 7.7 ms140 version and we got a crash when running our connector.

I noticed that in the sink daemon package the version of dacs4wn64.dll is in

Our connector is using OpenDACS v8.2.0.L2 version (DACS8_lib140_x64.dll is in where dacs4wn64.dll is

The weird thing is that we get not crash when using ms100 version.

Here is the call stack of the crash :

Exception thrown: read access violation.
tmp_uint16 was 0x8E51846A.
>    dacs4wn64.dll!scanDacsMessage(...) Line 273    C
     dacs4wn64.dll!dbplOpenRdMessage(...) Line 148    C
     dacs4wn64.dll!ProcessDictUpd(SINK_CLIENT_INFO * pDacsClientInfo, unsigned char * messagePtr, unsigned int length, int cont_flag) Line 220    C
     dacs4wn64.dll!DACS_MessageHandlerMC(unsigned long clientHandle) Line 157    C
     dacs4wn64.dll!DACS_MessageHandler() Line 84    C
     DACS8_lib140_x64.dll!rfa::dacs::CDacsLibThread::ProcessDacsMessages(rfa::dacs::CDacsLibConnectInfo * pDacsLibConnectInfo) Line 636    C++
     DACS8_lib140_x64.dll!rfa::dacs::CDacsLibThread::runThread() Line 361    C++
     DACS8_lib140_x64.dll!rfa::support::Thread::startWrapper(void * arg) Line 47    C++

Any idea about this issue?



Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    I think you need to use the dacs4wn64.dll which is in the OpenDACS package.


    You should not use the newer version of that DLL that is in the DACS package because the API may not be tested with the newer version.


  • hello,

    Just to clarify, I didn't change anything in the delivery of my component, we are using the dll that comes with the OpenDACS package. I was mentionning this difference of versions (there are dlls delivered withn the DACS sink daemon) that could explain the crash.



  • @Nicolas.Belhoste1

    Please contact the API support team (Refinitiv Developer Connect) directly via Contact Premium Support to investigate this issue.

    However, you need to be a RDC named user in order to submit a ticket to the API support team.