Invalid App ID: Error Code 403


I am receiving the error message stating: Application ID is invalid. Although I verified the app key generated on eikon desktop and it is the same as mentioned in my code. How can I fix it?

Admin: Removed the console runtime screenshot showing the APP KEY.

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Hi @donia.augustine,

    The Eikon Data API checkbox needs to be selected at the top left. You can select this and create a new APP key and try with that.


  • That app key seems to be invalid. Have you selected (checked) Eikon Data API and is the status of this key set to Enabled?

    Can you post the screenshot of the Eikon/Workspace after you type in APPKEY in the search bar.

  • Hi @Gurpreet,

    It seems to be enabled.