What is the difference between 'OR' and 'AND' in Refinitiv Eikon Fund Screener?

What is the difference between 'OR' and 'AND' in Refinitiv Eikon Fund Screener? Because when I put, for example: Asset status is active AND Primary flag is yes AND asset universe is Mutual funds AND (Lipper Global is Equity France AND Lipper Global is equity sector energy), it works only when I use OR, that is (Lipper Global is Equity France OR Lipper Global is equity sector energy). However, I ask for French equity in the energy sector.

Best Answer

  • bob.lee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @sana1.benabdallah-ext , I assume your goal in your sample query is to include funds that are classified as "French Equity" or classified as "equity sector Energy". Because you said using "OR" works. The classification is mutually exclusive. That means, one fund can only be classified in one class. So there will be no fund matches (classified in) 2 or more classifications at the same time. That is why if you "AND" operator for classifications in the screener, you will not get any fund.

    If your goal is to screen funds that are equity funds and investment is focused on some specific sectors such as energy. You can try to use the classification for the sector energy funds and use Geographical focus to screen for funds only focus in France.

    This is not a technical question, I suggest you raise that to customer support team for a more detailed description or guides to help you use the FSCREEN app. This forum is for developer asking LSEG API programming related questions.
