rsslWrite return values.

I am facing an error where I am getting followiong return values from rsslWrite call: -2147483637 or -2147483549.

Now the return from rsslWrite in is rtrInt32 (RsslRet), Are the above values returned because of rollover of 32 bits boundaries?

Is it safe to assume that a negative value from rsslWrite is because of an error? Or to be sure of an error we should check RsslError structure's rsslErrorId that we pass in rsslWrite call?

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    I checked the ETA developer guide (10.9.6 rsslWrite Return Code) and found that the API shouldn't return those negative values.

    Please verify the version of the API used by the application. The latest version of the API is RTSDK 2.1.3 or ETA 3.7.3.

    You may upgrade the application to use the latest version of the API.