Lookups hanging on PermID website

This morning I'm getting a larger than usual number lookup failures on the PermID website. The requests just hang with the 3 diamond animation showing. Is there a general problem, or something specific? Here are some examples:

">https://permid.org/1-4295871573 Beijing Enterprises Holdings Ltd

">https://permid.org/1-5000550556 Rongsheng Petrochemical Co Ltd

">https://permid.org/1-4295883555 Top Glove Corporation Bhd

">https://permid.org/1-5040698013 China MeiDong Auto Holdings Ltd

NB: Search on the website is working fine.

Best Answer

  • @trubens I just checked the site and it appears there are some issues on the backend which could be leading to this service issue = please see the message on the site below:


    They are trying to resolve this at the moment. Probably best to try back a little later.

    I hope this can help.


  • Thanks Jason. That message about technical difficulties on officer/director info has been there for a long time (at least 2 months I'd say). I've been looking up ~30 PermIDs each day over the last 5 months and never had so many hanging (in fact has been very rare), so I struggle to believe it is related. Would issues with updating personal records really impact on availability of organisational PermIDs records? Interestingly one of the four examples I gave is now working, so something has changed in the last few hours.

  • Hello @trubens

    We had a source connection problem today but it was fixed now and you should be able to open all organizations profiles again. Apologies for the problems it might caused.

  • Thanks Aleksandra. All but one of the problem PermIDs I found yesterday are now working, so thanks for the prompt response on the general issue. I guess this remaining problem has a different root cause…?

    ">https://permid.org/1-5000567168 Ganfeng Lithium Group Co Ltd.

  • @trubens, unfortunatelly it was the same root cause, just this company was missed in the fixing process. Apologies for this, and thank you for letting us know about it