Are the 'aggregatedResultSummaries' the same as Result from the 'screeningRequest'?

I'm using World-Check-One-API. I want to obtain "WatchList Unresolved count", "WatchList Review Required count" and "Wathlist Total Match count".
It seams there are two way to Obtain them.

One way is to call `POST /case/screeningRequest` and obtain the `results` in the Response. According to the API Documet, the `results` is Array of objects. Each objects has `resultReview`. So if you want to obtain "WatchList Unresolved count", count the objects where `resultReview.reviewRequired` is `FALSE`. Similarly if you want to obtain "WatchList Review Required count", count the objects where `resultReview.reviewRequired` is `TRUE`. Then , "Wathlist Total Match count" is total count of the results. In this case, the parameter 'providerTypes' is set to 'WATCH_LIST'.

The other way is to call `GET /cases/{caseSystemId}` and obtain the aggregatedResultSummaries in the Response.
According to the API Documet, the `aggregatedResultSummaries` has `watchlistUnresolved`, `watchlistReviewRequired` and `watchlistTotalMatches` in `watchlist`. They each matches "WatchList Unresolved count", "WatchList Review Required count" and "Wathlist Total Match count".

Is this interpretation correct? If not, could you please point out where I am mistaken?

Thank you.

Best Answer

  • Mehran Khan
    Answer ✓

    Hi @satom ,

    Ongoing Screening is something that you would need to turn on either during the initial screening stage or later based on your requirement on a case by case basis.

    at the initial screening stage you can turn on the OGS by setting the parameter in the request - "caseScreeningState" to 'ONGOING', if you do not wish to turn on the OGS it should be set to 'INITIAL'.

    "caseScreeningState": {
            "WATCHLIST": "ONGOING"

    You can also bulk enable OGS for your cases , please see the 'bulk operations' folder in your postman collection.

    I would recommend you go through the technical documentation and try the APIs in postman.


  • Hi @satom ,

    Thanks for reaching out to us!

    To achieve your requirement of obtaining the "WatchList Unresolved count", "WatchList Review Required count" and "Wathlist Total Match count". Please utilize the endpoint SEQ-case-investigate-case-details: Fetch full case details and in this API response you will be able to find the exact values of the fields which you are looking for.

    Moreover, your understanding is not correct for the resultReview object field which you are referring to from the POST /case/screeningRequest API response. (The reviewRequired value in the resultReview object will only be set to true if you have rescreened the case and if there are any sort of changes happened to the matched record then the alert will get triggered and the reviewRequired value will be set to true.)

    Hope this clarifies, please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions



  • To add further, please access the following link to better understand about the resolution status of the match Tutorials | Devportal (

  • Hi @anisetti.saikiranreddy01 .
    Thank you for your response.
    I understand. If I've never done a screening before, the POST /case/screeningRequest will respond with the same value due to the initial screening.
    Dose the screening include On-Going-Screening?
