DELTA_SYNC vs FULL_SYNC in Screening Requests

I am expecting that the results obtained by using screeningMode=DELTA_SYNC with the /cases/{caseSystemId}/screeningRequest endpoint accumulate from the initial screening. However, are these results actually just the differences from the most recent screening? Also, I understand that by requesting with FULL_SYNC, all results can be obtained. If there are any issues or misunderstandings regarding this, could you please clarify?

Best Answer

  • Hi @satom ,

    Thanks for reaching out to us!

    DELTA_SYNC: Delta Screening performs Screening from the time of the last screening date and shows new results that appeared after the last screening, if there are not new results the results array will be empty.

    FULL_SYNC: When you perform FULL_SYNC it does the full rescreening as similar to the initial screening and gives all the results (matched records) for the entity which you have screened.

    Please access our latest API documentation to find more details about the same LSEG World-Check One API.




  • Hi @anisetti.saikiranreddy01 ,
    Thanks for your prompt response.
    I got it! But I have aditional questions.

    • Does The last screening include On-Going-screening?
    • Is the cost the same for using DELTA_SYNC as it is for FULL_SYNC?


  • Hi @satom,

    Please find my comments below.

    • On-going screening will not automatically be enabled during your initial screening process, it is that you need to enable it during your initial screening stage or even later depending on your requirement, in order to enable OGS during your initial screening you just need to change the caseScreeningState of WATCHLIST to ONGOING in your request body while screening an entity "caseScreeningState": {"WATCHLIST": "ONGOING"}
    • There will not be any extra cost for DELTA_SYNC or FULL_SYNC as this you are just re-screening an existing case for updated results and it's not that you are creating/screening a new case.