What determines the industry classification granularity and to what extent are the different schemes

Good morning,

I've been redirected to the dev forum after raising a ticket.

I'm trying to build something where one can select a business segment of a company and retrieve similar revenues from other companies operating in the same space. What is important to me is that although the general description of the companies' businesses may have no correlation at all, they could have subsidiaries that overlap.

Currently I've found that using the 'TR.BGS.BusTotalRevenue' as shown below returns the segments as reported by a company in their offical reports. The problem with using this is that these segments aren't streamlined between companies.


Additionally, I've found that the NAICS classification scheme can successfully breakdown a company into several distinct industries, whereas GICS and TRBC only allocate a single sub-industry/activity.


My eventual goal, would be to find some type of middle ground. I want distinct groupings to which the revenues are split-up, but using groups that have also been applied to break-down other companies' operations. I feel like it would be surprising if there wasn't already such functionality in place, but in any case I seem to missing it.

Many thanks in advance

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Typically, this type of question should be handled by the helpdesk team.

    I will submit a new ticket on your behalf to the Workspace Excel support team to verify if this can be done in Excel. The case number is 13269247.

    If this can be done in Excel with the @RDP formula, then we can apply the same parameters to the get_data method in the RD library.