Macro "Application.Run "EikonRefreshAll", True, 30000" not working

I am using Eikon Refinitiv in Excel as add-in.

Office 365.


Windows 10.

I have a workbook with numerous worksheets, in which there are Refinitiv formulas. There are two types of formulas used:

1) Screeners in the form of formula TR(Screen.

2) data retrieval in form of RHistory.

3) data retrieval in form of TR

When trying to run the following macro I do not get results for all interations (manually I get results for each date) or when data is retrieved through macro it shows bad results (not the same when I carry out calculations manually instead of by macro).

It seems as if the Refinitiv formulas do not refresh properly. I tried different time intervals for Application.Run "EikonRefresAll",True (from 30000 to 300000) with no positive solution.

Please let mi know what formula should I use to update Refinitiv formulas in workbook, so that I do not have to manually perform 28 calculations each time for different dates analyzed.


Sub new_macro()

Dim licznik_dat As Integer
For licznik_dat = 1 To 28
Worksheets("DATES TO BE CHECKED").Range("C2").Offset(licznik_dat - 1, 0).Copy
Worksheets("Choose").Range("C7").PasteSpecial xlValues

Application.Run "EikonRefreshAll", True, 30000

Worksheets("DATES TO BE CHECKED").Range("D2").Offset(licznik_dat - 1, 0).PasteSpecial xlValues

Next licznik_dat

End Sub


Best Answer

  • @monika.braszczok So without seeing your sheets its a bit difficult to see where or if there is a bottleneck. So just to be clear - this was working before and has now stopped working? You have the local spreadsheet on Manual Calc - and then wanting to refresh the data periodically followed by a recalc? There are different options for the refresh function - please see this thread for details. Also see this guide here

    From the thread you can see the following 4 functions operate asynchronously:

    1 - Application.Run "PLRefreshAllEventHandler" to refresh functions in all open workbooks

    2 - Application.Run "PLRefreshWorkbookEventHandler" to refresh functions in the current workbook

    3 - Application.Run "PLRefreshWorksheetEventHandler" to refresh functions in the current worksheet

    4 - Application.Run "PLRefreshSelectionEventHandler" to refresh functions in the selected range

    The following Refresh commands allow for a synchronous refresh to occur (one line of VBA code needs to finish executing before the next line can begin). Note they do not refresh TF functions:

    1 - Application.Run "EikonRefreshSelection"

    2 - Application.Run "EikonRefreshWorksheet"

    3 - Application.Run "EikonRefreshWorkbook"

    4 - Application.Run "EikonRefreshAll"

    I don't know how large your sheets are or what if any race conditions are occurring or leading to timeout. Are you able to try the asynch functions to see if they can help (they dont have the refresh parameters? Also maybe try to see if this is working for 1 sheet properly and try sheet by sheet as there might be an issue with some instrument or screener query taking a long time to complete. Let us know if this helps at all.