DSS : stored and scheduled extraction and possible delay if we run identical schedules in API and s

This question is from one of DSS prospets.

This client would like to retrieve DSS through API, but also would like to leave CSV files in DSS as a back-up just in case their API is failed (fyi, their connection will be Leased line).

(1) Can we recommend Stored and Scheduled extraction on DSS? Can we schedule DSS extraction files via GUI and retrieve them from API (or is this only for TIckHIstory)?

(2) Technically, can we run the same parallel schedules simultaneously through (a) API and (b) SFTP through the same single DSS ID?

(3) If we run the same schedules simultaneously as described above in (2), would it be any possible delay of data retrievals compared with single indipendend API and SFTP extraction? I suppose if this is within max number of connection/extraction limit described in DSS best practice guide, it should be no delay resulting from this, but please confirm.



Best Answer


  • @Jirapongse Thank you.  Let me confirm if I understood correctly.

    If we schedule extraction by Stored and Scheculed extraction by DSS API, are these files are found in extraction files tab in DSS GUI? Are they compatible between API created files & DSS GUI? SFTP files and GUI files are compatible, so I d like to double check if this is the case between the API and GUI.


  • Yes, the scheduled files are avaiable in DSS Web GUI.

    What do you mean by compatible? Both Web GUI and API use the same DSS backend thing so the extraction process is the same.

    However, these questions may not directly relate to the API usage so please contact the DSS support team directly via MyRefinitiv to confirm your understanding.