IDN_RDF to get bonds prices



"ID": 2,

"Key": {

"Name": [



"Service": "IDN_RDF"


"View": [



"Streaming": true





"ID": 2,

"Type": "Status",

"State": {

"Stream": "Closed",

"Data": "Ok",

"Text": "Processed 1 total items from Batch Request. 1 Ok."




"ID": 3,

"Type": "Status",

"Key": {

"Service": "IDN_RDF",

"Name": "91282CFK2=RRPS"


"State": {

"Stream": "ClosedRecover",

"Data": "Suspect",

"Text": "Json conversion error."




not sure why its showing JSON conversion error , any clue pls ?

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @avinash.jain

    I have tested your View request message with my local ADS 3.7.3.L1 and the RTO connection scenarios. You JSON request message is valid, and I did not encounter any issues on my end.

      "ID": 2,
      "Key": {
        "Name": [ "91282CFK2=RRPS"],
        "Service": "ELEKTRON_DD"
      "View": ["BID"],
      "Streaming": true
        "ID": 2,
        "Type": "Status",
        "State": {
          "Stream": "Closed",
          "Data": "Ok",
          "Text": "Processed 1 total items from Batch Request.  1 Ok."
        "ID": 3,
        "Type": "Refresh",
        "Key": {
          "Service": "ELEKTRON_DD",
          "Name": "91282CFK2=RRPS"
        "State": {
          "Stream": "Open",
          "Data": "Ok"
        "Qos": {
          "Timeliness": "Realtime",
          "Rate": "JitConflated"
        "PermData": "AwEBaJfA",
        "SeqNumber": 7776,
        "Fields": {
          "BID": 98.359375

    I am assuming that you are connecting to a local deployed RTDS server. Beside my colleague's suggestion above, I think you and your Market Data Team should contact the ADS support team to verify the issue on the ADS server (as WebSocket API is the server-side API).

    You can contact the ADS support team via website.



  • Hi @avinash.jain

    There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with your request. I tried it within my environment, and works properly. The only difference between my request and yours is that I did not specify the 'Service'. I don't know anything about your environment or what ADS (WebSocket server) you are connecting to. Normally, you don't need to specify the Service as it is usually defaulted to the market data service within your environment. I would suggest you not specify the Service.

    If this doesn't help, you may need to contact your Market Data Services team to understand what is happening and confirm the name of the Service should be.