For the C# REDI API, how do I get the previous day's closing price?

I am using the REDIConsole1 sample application, and added what I thought was the previous close price column name, but it always is returning 0. I see the previous close price (PCls) in the Montage II window.

PCls = GetCell(quoteCache, row, "PCls", out errCode).ToString();

Output is always empty:

Symbol=TSLA Action=Snapshot Bid=187.36 Ask=187.43 Last=187.35 LastTradeSize= Volume=1099660 ISIN=US88160R1014 PCls=

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Is it the "Close" field?

    PreviousClose = GetCell(quoteCache, row, "Close", out errCode).ToString();
