The Average price for Datasets are wrong.

I am using Eikon with Python program for a few years.

Every time, I contact 'Helpdesk', they said they have not clue about python, so I needed to ask questions on Developer site.

I posted the same questions every single time, and i did not get any clear answer at all.

Last time I asked, he said he does not have a permission to access to the RIC 'CMZN0'

I will give my code and the result in Python and the correct dataset in Eikon.

Please Kindly let me know, why this would happened and how to fix it.

Here is my code in Python :

1707212839327.pngthe reason I used 'get_history' function is that I needed to sum all of it and get average of them so that I can make sure that these two data are the same data.

However, this is the result from above:

(No longer picture is allowed so I will posted in comments.)

Please carefully review this problems and note that we are paying much money for a few years.

Best Answer

  • @jwlee08 I think you should use the strategic Data Libraries which you can access with Eikon/WS. The Eikon Data API is a feature complete, slightly older API that is included for backward compatibility. We have a number of newer services on the Data Platform that you can access as a desktop users - importantly in this case historical pricing via get_history library function replaces the get_timeseries function in Eikon Data API which had a very limited data model. In terms of your immediate issue:

    import as rd
        parameters = {'SDate': '2024-01-01', 'EDate': '2024-01-31'}


    You can also use the get_history function:

        start= '2024-01-01', end= '2024-01-31'

    I hope this can help.
