Data for Delisting companies

Hi everybody!

I am currently engaged in a project that involves analyzing companies in the United States that have been delisted or are on the verge of delisting. The objective is to compute the "delisting return," which necessitates understanding the specific reasons behind each company's delisting. To identify these companies, I have been utilizing the SCREENER tool. However, only a limited number of entries provide detailed information about the delisting through the "Deal" filter.

I am seeking advice on whether there is a method to systematically acquire a comprehensive list of companies that have been delisted or are pending delisting, along with the events leading to their delisting. Alternatively, I would appreciate suggestions on a more straightforward approach to calculating the delisting return. Any guidance or recommendations on tools and methodologies that could facilitate this analysis would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer


  • Hi @vitali,

    Your question is close to a question about content, for which I would advise filing in a ticket on; however, I think that Search might be your best bet. Have you had a look?

  • Hello @vitali

    Did you try the solution(s) on our Extracting List of Delisted Equities using Screener, RDP. or Eikon API old post thread.

    If it does not work, I suggest you submit a support ticket to the content team as suggested by my colleague above.

  • Thank you for your valuable suggestions. I'm able to get list of delisted companies. However, the primary objective of my research is to identify the specific reasons for each company's delisting (the delisting event), as well as to gather information on companies that have announced their intention to delist, along with their reasons for doing so.

    Unfortunately, I have encountered difficulties in sourcing this detailed information. The current methods and tools at my disposal do not seem to offer a solution for efficiently extracting the reasons behind the delisting events. I would appreciate any advice or recommendations!