Country codes not available for some countries in /reference/countries

There are some countries for which we are not available in the JSON. Kindly provide the country code for these countries.

  • Bladex
  • British Vergin IsLand
  • Europa Island

Best Answer

  • Hi @urmimala.ghosh ,

    Thanks for reaching out to us!

    We have reviewed your query seems like there is no country with name BLADEX rest two you can refer as below which is available in JSON response.

    • British Vergin IsLand : You can use this "VGB": "Virgin Islands, British".
    • Europa Island : "Europa Island" is part of the French Southern Territories with ISO Alpha-3 code "ATF": "French Southern Territories".

    we are having all countries listed in our JSON response as per standard ISO country list.


    Vivek P
