How do retrieve distinct expiry dates of listed options on .SPX


I am using in Python. I need to retrieve the distinct expiry dates of the active listed options on .SPX. I think I need to find the distinct dates inside the request rather than outside, because there are so many listed options on .SPX I am likely to exceed the data cap if I retrieve all the non-distinct dates every time.

I have tried to do this via the group_by and group_count inputs to search.Definition(), i.e. search.Definition(... select='ExpiryDate', order_by='ExpiryDate', group_by='ExpiryDate', group_count=1 ...). However this attempt fails with the error " Error code 400 | Invalid groupby: property 'ExpiryDate' does not support grouping". I am hoping there is another way. Thanks in advance.


Best Answer

  • I experimented further and discovered ExpiryDateString, which is groupable. Using ExpiryDateString together with group_by and group_count, I can retrieve only the distinct expiry dates.