Cannot load the list of associated URLs from localhost

Hi,I want to automatically download a list of domestic investment trusts list everyday using task scheduler.

I downloaded Example.DataLibrary.Python zip.

I opened 1-Access/EX-1.01.01-GetData.ipynb. and when I run this cell,

rd.get_data(['LSEG.L', 'VOD.L'])

RDError occured

Cannnot load the list of associated URLs from http://localhost:9060/api/rdp/streaming/pricing/v1/ for apis.streaming.pricing.endpoints.main endpoint.

could you teach me what to do?

thank you.

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @grenpark06

    I am assuming that you are using the Data library with the Desktop session as configured in the refinitiv-data.config.json file:

    "sessions": {
            "default": "desktop.workspace",
            "desktop": {
                "workspace": {
                    "app-key": "<App Key>"

    Please be informed that the Desktop session connects to the Workspace desktop application in the same machine (localhost) as the API proxy.

    • Did you open the Workspace desktop application in your machine yet?
    • Do you have any network policy or firewall that might block a connection?

    For further investigation, please enable the Data library log file and share your log along with your refinitiv-dat.config.json file (please remove your credential before posting!). You can find the way to enable the log on section 2.2.2) Enable logging of the Eikon Data API and Refinitiv Data Library - Troubleshooting article.


  • thank you wasin.w.I'm trying your teachings.

    but I am very worried about this.

    >Did you open the Workspace desktop application in your machine yet?

    I wish to create automatically batch.

    but should I have to manually open workspace desctop application each time?

  • Hello @grenpark06

    The Desktop session needs the Workspace desktop as the API proxy. You cannot run the library without the Workspace desktop.

    However, if you want to run the Data Library without the Workspace desktop, you need to run it with the Platform session that connects to the Refinitiv Data Platform directly.

    • Please note that some content set on the Desktop session is not available on the Platform session, please contact your LSEG reprentative for more detail.

    To use the Platform session, the RDP credential with a valid permission is required. Then, you can configure the refinitiv-data.config.json as follow:

        "logs": {
            "level": "debug",
            "transports": {
                "console": {
                    "enabled": false
                "file": {
                    "enabled": false,
                    "name": "refinitiv-data-lib.log"
        "sessions": {
            "default": "platform.rdp",
            "platform": {
                "rdp": {
                    "app-key": "<RDP App Key>",
                    "username": "<Your RDP Machine ID>",
                    "password": "<Your RDP Password>",
    "signon_control": true

                "deployed": {
                    "app-key": "YOUR APP KEY GOES HERE!",
                    "realtime-distribution-system": {
                        "url" : "YOUR DEPLOYED HOST:PORT GOES HERE!",
                        "dacs" : {
                            "username" : "YOUR DACS ID GOES HERE!",
                            "application-id" : 256,
                            "position" : ""
            "desktop": {
                "workspace": {
                    "app-key": "YOUR APP KEY GOES HERE!"

    Please see more detail on the "Platform - Refinitiv Data Platform" section of the Data Library for Python Quick Start page.

    Please contact your LSEG representative to help you with the RDP credential and permission.

  • thank you a lot wasin.w.

    Your answer is very helpful. I study your teachings step by step.

    But in my country, our LSEG said "no one explain about Programs,API, please use Q&A in English"

    so please allow me to keep asking questions at here.

  • Hello @grenpark06

    Please be informed that We, Developer Relations willing to help you with the API questions.

    However, we do not have a permission help you with the RDP account and permission creation. That is why I suggest you contact your LSEG representative to help you with the RDP account/permission.

  • >Did you open the Workspace desktop application in your machine yet?

    I clicked [Thomson Reuters EIKON]icon and login with mail address & password

    >Do you have any network policy or firewall that might block a connection?

    after I read the article,

    >You can find the way to enable the log on section 2.2.2) Enable logging of the Eikon Data API and Refinitiv Data Library - Troubleshooting article.

    Log show McAfee HTML.

    <title> McAfee Web Gateway --Notification</title>

    I have no idea what I do for a connection.

    what exe do I let McAfee allow to connect localhost?

    I open localhost URLs.









    "message":"Not Found",

    "statusMessage":"Not Found"





    "ErrorMessage":"Application id is invalid"



    thank you.

  • Hello @grenpark06

    It seems the McAfee is blocking a connection between the library and the Eikon API proxy.

    I strongly suggest you contact your local IT support to help you change the McAfee to allow to connect localhost.

  • Hi @grenpark06

    There are other users that encounter the same kind of issue as you. You can check my colleague's suggestion on this Eikon Data API Proxy error old post.