Memory usage of instrument metadata cache (InstrumentMeta object)

Our thick client desktop application provides a tool similar to Workspace Monitor, where our users can open a list of instruments with specific fields to monitor. Sometimes that list can be fairly large, up to 500 instruments. In profiling the memory usage in our desktop application we noticed that a large portion of the memory was being used by Refinitiv.Data.Content.HistoricalPricing.TSI.Metadata.InstrumentMeta objects which are around 1.75 MB each. Is there anything that could be done to reduce the memory footprint of the metadata cache? Here is a snapshot of our memory profile after opening 100 instruments...


Best Answer

  • Hello

    Good news !

    I implemented a solution to reduce memory usage of Instrument meta data by about 90%.

    Have sent you an email with the link on BAMS - newest package version is 1.0.5

    Bellow is a snapshot of pre and post fix with 1 instrument and then post fix scaled to 100 instruments from which about 90 opened. Because I do not have Resharper tools, I am using the Profiler inside Visual Studio.

    Instrument Meta memory fix.png


  • Hello

    The instrument metadata is cached in an attempt to reduce the number of requests to the backend when data is requested for large instruments lists. I've created a ticket in our backlog to investigate and try to optimize memory usage.

    We will keep you posted when a new update is available.

    Thank you for your patience,


  • Thanks Cristian. The memory footprint looks awesome now with 1.0.5. However, I've seen a crash twice now when requesting two instruments in MetaStock at the same time, 1YMc1 and ESc1. I have a screen shot from VS but I'm not sure what else would be helpful.


  • Hello

    I will check those instruments today as soon as possible and provide a fix ASAP.



  • The issue that the screenshot presents is a null _timezones field.

    This happens if the entire GlobalRules is null, or if the TimeZone token object from the Global Rules could not be retrieved.

    I tried testing on my local machine with these 2 instruments, but was unable to reproduce this problem. Here is a snapshot of results:

    instrument tests.png

    What I can do for now is harden the code in that area, so it won't crash anymore when time zones are not available, and maybe improve the logging as well.

    If you could share the code used for this case and any logs available, they might help me recreate the problem.

    After looking into it, I found out that Global Rules is not instrument specific, so the problem might be something not instrument related...



  • Newest version (1.0.6) with null check and additional logging is available on BAMS.



  • Is there something I need to do to enabled logging and where are the log files written out?
  • Hello

    To enable logs and specify their level, at the start of your method, you can set the log level like this:

    Log.Level = LogLevel.Trace;

    Trace is the most verbose level. Used for development and seldom enabled in production. Other levels less verbose are, in order : Debug, Info, Warn, Fatal. Consider setting the one that fits best for your scenario. To completely disable logging, you can use LogLevel.Off.

    The logs will be written to a file called "rdp.log" that should be located in the same folder as the executable.

    As an example, I am running one of the examples - 3.0.0 - Core-LogConfig and the log file can be located at 3.0.00-Core-LogConfig\bin\Debug\rdp.log


    Best regards,
