Getting StatusText":"Service route SERVICE is no longer available."

we are using RFA Java Edition 8.1.0.L1.all.rrg to connect to an ADS

One of the services the ADS went down briefly, and we noticed below in "update" messages for a subscription to a different service

24-02-21 12:38:34,403 [MainThread] ERROR in {Process name}. Dequeued update: {"BID":153.9,"ASK":155.35,"BIDSIZE":51.0,"ASKSIZE":51.0,"QUOTIM":"2024-02-21 12:38:29.000-0500","QUOTIM_MS":63509000,"PRC_QL_CD":"AUT","MessageType":"UPDATE","Service":"SERVICE_1","Item":"RIC1","StreamState":"CLOSED_RECOVER","DataState":"SUSPECT","StatusCode":"NO_RESOURCES","StatusText":"Service route SERVICE_2 is no longer available.","SeqNum":464,"PassThru":{}}

Is this normal? does ADS keep sending this statusText until the down service comes back?

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    The update response should not contain the status informaion (StreamState, DataState, StatusCode, and StatusText). Typically, the status information is available in the refresh and status responses.

    How did you get the status information from the update response?

    The streamState is CLOSED_RECOVER which indicates that the stream for this item is closed. The item may be available later and the application can attempt to re-open this item on another stream. This means that the application needs to re-subcribe to this item to get data and RFA will not recover this item.

    Actually, this is not normal. When the service is down, the streamState should be still opened and the dataState will be suspect.

    "StreamState":"CLOSED_RECOVER","DataState":"SUSPECT","StatusCode":"NO_RESOURCES","StatusText":"Service route SERVICE_2 is no longer available.",

    However, it may relate to many factors, such as ADH/ADS configurations and RFA Java configurations.

    As far as I now, the API will send this status information to all subscribed streams but the API will not recover those streams because the streamState is CLOSED_RECOVER.

    Please share the RFA Java configurations so we can verify the configurations.