News Retrieval RDP

Hi all,

I retrieve some news via RDP api like this:

query = 'EQMEVN'
news.headlines.Definition(query=query, count=100).get_data().data.df

So I get this the list of news as expected:

>>> news.headlines.Definition(query=query, count=100).get_data().data.df
                                                                  headline                                       storyId sourceCode
2024-02-27 09:59:36.000  UPDATE 3-Dubai to sell 25% stake in public par...    NS:RTRS
2024-02-27 08:58:43.000  RPT-BREAKINGVIEWS-Top JPMorgan banker spots va...    NS:RTRS
2024-02-27 08:35:14.233  INDIA'S NIFTY PSU BANK INDEX <.NIFTYPSU> FALLS...    NS:RTRS
2024-02-27 08:31:39.000  BUZZ-UK's Croda top FTSE 100 loser on lower pr...    NS:RTRS
2024-02-27 08:30:36.620  INDIA'S NIFTY OIL AND GAS INDEX <.NIFOILGAS> E...    NS:RTRS
...                                                                    ...                                           ...        ...
2024-02-26 04:29:20.110  INDIA'S NIFTY IT INDEX <.NIFTYIT> FALLS, LAST ...    NS:RTRS
2024-02-26 04:04:39.000  UPDATE 2-S.Korea unveils reform steps to tackl...    NS:RTRS
2024-02-26 02:37:56.000  SINGAPORE STOCKS <.STI> FALL AS MUCH AS 1% TO ...    NS:RTRS
2024-02-26 02:37:48.000                     BRIEF-グリーンブルックTMS、ナスダック上場廃止を発表    NS:RTRS
2024-02-26 02:29:49.000                     《圖表新聞》全球股票基金出現資金外流,因通脹擔憂削弱降息預期    NS:RTRS

But as you see, the rdp retrieves only news with this small orange sign:
1709028303036.pngBut the other news are missing. Even if I take a StoryID of a missing news...
1709028408958.png... I cannot retrieve it via api:

storyID = ''

I get "News not found". With the news, which appear in the headlines() call, this works as expected.

Pls advise.

Best Answer

  • raksina.samasiri
    Answer ✓

    As the RD Platform session is taking data from RDP API and I can also reproduce this issue with RDP REST API. Hence, I raised ticket number 13373340 on behalf of you and the team is going to investigate and contact you to assist on this.



  • @Anufriyev

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    I can see those headlines that the order may be different from LSEG Workspace.

    response = news.headlines.Definition(query="EQMEVN", count=100, date_to="2024-02-27T01:00:00.000").get_data()[["sourceCode"]=="NS:NEWJAP"]


    For the story:


    The storyId for that news is "urn:newsml:newsroom:20240227:nNRArwz5ji:0".

    response = news.story.Definition("urn:newsml:newsroom:20240227:nNRArwz5ji:0").get_data()

  • Dear @Jirapongse
    Thank you for looking into my issue.
    You are writing, that you can see the news...


    ... but I cannot. Does that mean my authorizations are limited?

    I tried to use the storyID you provided:

    storyID = 'urn:newsml:newsroom:20240227:nNRArwz5ji:0'

    ... it gives me an error message: "Error code 503 | Error while calling the NEP backend: sid urn:newsml:newsroom:20240227:nNRArwz5ji:0 is invalid", while if storyID contains "", it says "Error code 404 | Error while calling the NEP backend: Story not found"

    storyID = ''

    Do you have ideas?

  • @Anufriyev

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Are you using the platform.rdp session?

    I got the following output if I ran the following code.


    This is the output from News Monitor.


    Regarding the storyId, I got the same error if I used the platform.rdp session.

  • Dear @Jirapongse

    Thank you for quick response. Yes, I use rdp platform session.