exact search with cases/search api

hi, im trying to do a cases search with cases/search api, my query body is this:

"query": "primaryName=='google'",
"sort": [
"columnName": "creationDate",
"order": "DESCENDING"
"pagination": {
"itemsPerPage": 25,
"pageReference": null

the problem is that this is a fussy search, it will return results with similar cases like 'google llc', 'google Ireland', 'google ltd', 'GOOGLE ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD' etc, but we want exact search so that only cases for 'google' are returned, how can we achieve this?

Best Answer

  • William,

    You can find out if a case exists or not by calling on endpoint: SEQ-case-check-caseid-availablity: Check caseId availability (HEAD https://api-worldcheck.refinitiv.com/v2/caseIdentifiers?caseId={

    For this endpoint, you would need to enter the case Id. If you get a 200 successful HTTP response, it means that the case exists already. If you receive a 404 Not Found HTTP response, then it means that the case Id does not exist.

    Keep in mind that when creating a case, if you don't input a string in the request body, then one is automatically created when you send the request. There's the option to input your own case Id to meet your needs and to possibly make the case Id search more straightforward. You can find more information about this endpoint here: World-Check One API Documentation

    Please let me know if you have any further questions.



  • Hi @williamtang - thank you for your question. I am currently working on on your query, and will have a response by tomorrow. Thank you for your patience.



  • Hi @williamtang - thank you for your patience as I gathered more information about your request. The only way that you could get an exact match is if you include the caseId in your query like so: "query": "primaryName=in=(Adobe) and caseId=in=(5jb6qmaavm0x1ig2hu5qz6mtg)"
    However, this sort of defeats the purpose of the search since you would already provide the case ID. Currently, the API is taking a fuzzy search and there is not another way to get an exact match. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you, but please let me know if you have any further questions.



  • hi Judith, thanks for the quick update. our process is: if case existing, then do a rescreen request and otherwise, create a new case and screen request. if the search can only do fussy search, how can we know for sure that the case exists or not?

  • the thing is we are not keeping track of the case ids, we are using search to find the case id. what about if we use cases/search to fussy search and loop through the returned results to see if there is an exact match, would this work?

  • @williamtang - it might be worth trying, but I cannot guarantee that it would work as I only use Postman to work with the API.