Could we log in Refinitiv Workspace Addin using the VBA code like before? (Before: Eikon COM Addin)

Now, we can still use the VBA code [Application.Run "PLLoginEventHandler"] to log in Eikon COM Addin.

However, we will be using a new version of Eikon, the Refinitiv Workspace, so common VBA code may no longer work. I would like to ask if there is a way to log in Refinitiv Workspace Addin using VBA code like before? (Before: Eikon COM Addin)

  • Example: 'Reuters login (This can not work anymore...)
Application.Run "PLLoginEventHandler"

Thank you so much for providing solutions.

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    I checked the previous submitted case and found that the login feature is still not migrated to Workspace.

    You can contact the Helpdesk support team direclty via MyRefinitiv to confirm it.


  • This works well: '''Import Reuters addin

    • Application.COMAddIns("PowerlinkCOMAddIn.COMAddIn").Connect = True

    This can not work anymore: '''Reuters login

    • Application.Run "PLLoginEventHandler"

    Could anyone provide similar VBA code for logging into the workspace?