incorrect prices stream data

I have around 50 US Stocks for which i am trying to fetch the prices in stream ...I am getting following output for AAPL.O :

Refresh received for AAPL.O: _UniverseStreams id=0 universe=['AAPL.O', 'ABBV.K', 'ABT', 'ADBE.O', 'AMD.O', 'AMGN.O', 'AMZN.O', 'AVGO.O', 'BA', 'BAC', 'BRKb', 'CMCSA.O', 'COST.O', 'CRM', 'CSCO.O', 'CVX', 'DHR', 'DIS', 'GOOGL.O', 'HD', 'INTC.O', 'INTU.O', 'JNJ', 'JPM', 'KO', 'LLY', 'MA', 'MCD', 'MRK', 'MS', 'MSFT.O', 'NFLX.O', 'NKE', 'NVDA.O', 'ORCL.K', 'PEP.O', 'PFE', 'PG', 'QCOM.O', 'TMUS.O', 'TSLA.O', 'TXN.O', 'UNH', 'V', 'VZ', 'WFC', 'XOM']

this is my code :

pricing_stream = rd.content.pricing.Definition(


fields=['DSPLY_NAME', 'BID', 'ASK']


in stock list i have all stocks ...can you please tell why i'm i getting all stocks names in the refresh response for AAPL.O ...i'm getting the same response in all stocks case whereas in your examples: it shows giving proper bid , ask prices ...even if market is closed it should not give this response ..please explain

Best Answer

  • nick.zincone
    Answer ✓

    Hi @peeush

    Can you elaborate on where you are seeing the above output? I also noticed your code does not define a: stream.on_refresh() call. When I define an on_refresh(), I see the following when I request for 3 items:


    I don't see the output within logs. I do see something like this:

    _UniverseStreams id=0 universe=['AAPL.O', 'ABBV.K', 'ABT', 'ADBE.O', 'AMD.O', ...

    The _UniverseStreams output appears to be simply a dump of the original universe, but I don't see this at all in my on_refresh() callback.