Issue to use rd.get_data

dear developer community

i rise this topic to share with a strange behavior when using rd.get_data.

Indeed, when i use rd.get_data to retrieve Refinitiv fields, the response status and time token depend on fields type requested (TR Fields Vs non TR Fields):

- Fields requested contain only TR fields: the response is quick and OK (no error)

- Mix Fields (TR and non TR): the response take a very long time, and return only data for TR fields, and get errors below

An error occurred while requesting URL('http://localhost:9060/api/rdp/streaming/pricing/v1/').

ReadTimeout('timed out')

Cannot load the list of associated URLs from http://localhost:9060/api/rdp/streaming/pricing/v1/ for apis.streaming.pricing.endpoints.main endpoint.

- Fields requested contain only non TR Fields: the responde take a very lon time showing the error below.

i dont have these problems when using rd.eikon.get_data instead.

can you help about this matter


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