Delayed ACKs from the websocket contributions API


We are contributing around 20k update messages every 30s to the websocket contribution endpoint (, however we are seeing the ACKs coming in very delayed, up to a point where it is not possible for us to utilize them for correct failover/retry logic as suggested here (

From my basic measurements it appears that the throughput of the system is 8 times lower than what we are streaming. We are only getting around 2.5k ACKs every 30s. From the login response message the limit should be 20k messages/s (```"Elements":{"TRCE:MaxMessagesPerSecond":20000}```).

What could be the issue here? Is there anything that our Content Manager can do for us on your end (e.g. change some configuration values)? The 20k update messages as we see them are being successfully sent over the websocket to your endpoint every 30s.

Thank you!

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