EMA JAVA Connectivity with Using SCS relay

Hi Team Can you please help us connect EMA code with SCS relay
Like going through documentation , i understood that ETA can be replaced with EMA by trading off little performance , but I am not able to find a suitable doc which will help connect EMA java code with SCS relay

I want to stream prices and publish Market By Volume

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @ajith.menon

    Thank you for the information. Basically, the RTSDK (EMA and ETA APIs) can connect to the Real-Time Platform via the RSSL and WebSocekt connections directly without any 3rd party tunnel/proxies as follows:


    It means that the EMA/ETA application can connect to RTDS (ADS - ADH) components directly to consume, publish/contribute data.

    I have checked with the Electronic Trading (ET) team. The team confirms that the SCS relay is for connecting to the ET platform only. Unfortunately, we are not expert in ET platform/API, so I highly recommend you contact the ET support team directly to help you with this question.

    You can contact the team via https://transactions.refinitiv.com/login.aspx website or via https://my.refinitiv.com/content/mytr/en/productsupport.html website.


    I hope this information helps.
