ESG Scores for M&A Deals


I have a list of M&A Deals screen and I would like to obtain the ESG Scores of the companies involved in each deal (Target and Acquirer) in the year of the announcement and also 2 years later. I tried to use TR.TRESGScore on Excel but i would have to specify for each deal the specific date, is there any quicker way?

Best Answer

  • aramyan.h
    Answer ✓

    Hi @andrea.lupascu ,

    I am afraid you need to specify dates in your request. And for efficiency you can group the RICs for which the date you are after is the same. Below is an example code using RD Libraries for Python:

    rd.get_data(['AAPL.O', 'MSFT.O'], ["TR.TRESGScore.calcdate", "", "TR.TRESGScore"], parameters = {'SDate': '2020-01-01'})


    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,



  • Hi @aramyan.h ,

    Since there is no efficient way to specific dates for each deal I created samples based on the year and retrieved the ESG Scores in that year and then 2 years later. However, when trying I noticed that even if the sample are the same, the number of outputs are different. For instance, I tried for 2006's M&A Deals and for ESG Scores computed in 2006 I have some number of outputs, if I apply the same formula by changing only the date (2008) i have more outputs. In any case, should I obtain just 350 outputs since my sample is made of 350 companies?

    =@TR(Foglio1!D1591:D1941;"TR.ISIN;TR.TRESGScore;";"SDate=2006-01-01 CH=Fd RH=IN";B2)
    =@TR(Foglio1!D1591:D1941;"TR.ISIN;TR.TRESGScore;";"SDate=2008-01-01 CH=Fd RH=IN";H2) 


    Thanks for helping,


    Screenshot 2024-03-14 200712.png

  • Hi @andrea.lupascu ,

    I am not sure about the excel (please note that moderators of this forum are specialised in API related queries), but the number of outputs should match the number of instrument RICs you pass to the query. I have tried with SPX constituents for 2006 and 2008 and always had 503 outputs.

    If you give your universe list I can try to replicate with API, however I would advice reaching out to Helpdesk (via or through Eikon/Workspace Help&Support) for excel and content related queries as they are better equipped with answering excel and content related questions.

    Best regards,
