How to filter with news' title when getting the news

Hi, I am receiving news articles from Reuter with queries.

Is there ways I can put conditions on title.

For instance, I want to receive the news that its title included "ZN" string only.

Please kindly show me some examples.

Here is my query :

( Topic:NEWS1 OR Topic:SREP OR Topic:EXCLSV ) NOT ( AA OR Topic:TOPNP OR "Table" OR "Brief" OR Topic:TAL OR Topic:MKTREP ) AND Language:LEN AND Source:RTRS

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    It supports the free text search, such as "ZN".


    However, please contact the helpdesk team via MyRefinitiv for the news query that can be used in the News app.

    The same query can be used in the API.