Data not appearing when pull from RDP but can see data available on the interface?

Hi there,

I am using RDP to pull some information regarding Indonesian companies. For the odd PermID, no information is appearing when I use "get_data", even though I can clearly see the information on the overview page for the company. Why might that be the case? This occurs whether the company is in a long list of IDs, or pulled indivudally. See my example below with a screenshot showing the information is there - at the moment RDP doesn't even return the company name.

flds = ["TR.CompanyName","TR.IsPublic", "TR.FreeFloatPct", "TR.InstrPctHldStrategic", "TR.HeadquartersCountry", "TR.HeadquartersRegion", "TR.NAICSSector", "TR.NAICSSubsector", "TR.NAICSIndustryGroup", "TR.NAICSInternationalIndustry"]

rd.get_data('5000715011', flds) # gives me no results for this company



Best Answer

  • aramyan.h
    Answer ✓

    Hi @l.marsden ,

    The issue is the fields you are asking are empty for that instrument. Consider using the below:

    flds = ["TR.CommonName,TR.OrganizationID,TR.CommonHQAddressLine1,TR.CommonHQAddressLine2,TR.CommonHQAddressLine3,TR.HeadquartersCity,TR.HQStateProvince,TR.HQAddressPostalCode,TR.HeadquartersCountry,TR.RegistrationCountry,TR.F.TotRevBizActiv,TR.CompanyHasIslamicFinance,TR.LegalEntityIdentifier,TR.CompanyLegalType,TR.CompanyLongitude,TR.CompanyLatitude,TR.LegalEntityIdentifier,TR.IROfficerName,TR.IREmailAddress"]

    rd.get_data('5000715011', flds)


    In general, you can check the fields used in Workspace by clicking in the (i) icon next to the tole widget:


    Best regads,



  • Hi Haykaz, thanks for this response. These fields now appear if i use TR.CommonName, which then brings up the other fields that I had in my original request (e.g., NAICS sector). This suggests that some of these fields do exist, but don't appear if I use the wrong first field (e.g., TR.CompanyName).

    Why is this?

    This has implications for some other work that I'm doing, as the number of results I get changes if I add a field that not all companies have. @aramyan.h

  • Hi @l.marsden ,

    I am not sure if there is any dependency with the first field. If you provide a specific example I can have a look.

    As it comes to why one field is available for one company and not for another, I would advice reaching out content specialists by posting a content question via or using Help&Support in Workspace/Eikon.

    Best regards,
