Cannot get a quote via RFA.jar

We could not get a quote via RFA.jar.
Our system: Calypso
the issue quote: Bond.TOKYO_METRO_GOVT_771.09-17-2027.0.15500
the issue date: 06/Feb/2024
the issue time: 17:29:51~17:32:44

We investigated with Calypso help desk, however we cannot find any problem at our side and it seemed that we did not receive quote data from Refinitiv for the missing quote names.


Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    This forum is primarily aimed at answering "how to" types of questions about using Refinitiv APIs. It is not a suitable channel to investigate the kind of issue.

    Calypso should contact the API support team directly via Contact Premium Support to verify if it is the problem in content, application logic or RFA.

    As far as I know, RFA will not modify the retrieved data. It just decodes the data and put it into an event queue. Then, the application dispatches the event queue to process the data.

    If the problem happens to only one RIC, it is likely to be the problem in content or application logic than RFA. However, it is better to contact the API support team directly via Contact Premium Support to verify it.


  • Hi @koki_adachi, May I ask:

    (i) what language are you using to collect this data? Python?

    (ii) are you looking for intraday or interday data?

    (iii) what data fields are you after? Simply just traded price?

  • Hi @jonathan.legrand ,
    I answer as the following.

    (i) Java

    (ii) Intraday data

    (iii) We get market data (Bid, Ask, Open, High and Low)

  • Thanks, we will contact to premium support.