MRN Webinar Jan 31: What are the different message types in MRN_STORY? For example, in N2_UBMS there

What are the different message types in MRN_STORY? For example, in N2_UBMS there are message types - take, alert, correction, corrected. What is the equivalent for MRN_STORY?

Best Answer

  • All these exist in MRN_STORY. Alerts are denoted
    with the "urgency" field set to 1. Most other items are takes, and "corrected"
    and "correction" items can be identified with the headline.


  • Hello, According to dictionary:

    TAKE_SEQNO "TAKE SEQNO" 720 NULL INTEGER 3 UINT32 1 ! ! A sequential number designating the take sequence number based on temporal order of ! receipt. Contains 0 for alerts 1 for the first take of a story and 2 through 255 for ! subsequent takes. !

    What are alerts?

  • Refer to Triarch Real-Time News Standard (N2_UBMS):

    FID 720 (TAKE_SEQNO) is used to identify the order of messages for a news item. It is set to 1 for the first Alert and incremented by 1 for each subsequent Alert message for that story. It is also set to 1 for the First Take, and incremented by 1 for each Subsequent Take, Correction or Corrected for that story.

    It is similar to the takeSequence field in MRN.