TTF Option Settlement prices via DSS

I want to get the settlement price for a specific identifier. I have tried with the following request, but this returns a response code of 400. What am I doing wrong?

  1. {
  2. "ExtractionRequest": {
  3. "@odata.type": "#DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.IntradayPricingExtractionRequest",
  4. "ContentFieldNames": [
  5. "Settlement Date",
  6. "Settlement Price",
  7. "Universal Close Price Date",
  8. "Universal Close Price",
  9. "Contract Month and Year",
  10. "RIC",
  11. ],
  12. "IdentifierList": {
  13. "@odata.type": "#DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.InstrumentIdentifierList",
  14. "InstrumentIdentifiers": [
  15. {
  16. "Identifier": "TFOM3000Q4",
  17. "IdentifierType": "Ric"
  18. }
  19. ]
  20. }
  21. }
  22. }


Best Answer

  • raksina.samasiri
    Answer ✓

    Hi @mpl ,

    Could you please try remove comma after RIC ContentFieldNames, and some fields are not valid so it returns 400 error, so I've fixed them as below

    "ExtractionRequest": {
    "@odata.type": "#DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.IntradayPricingExtractionRequest",
    "ContentFieldNames": [
    "Settlement Date",
    "Settlement Price",
    "Official Close Date",
    "Official Close Price",
    "Contract Date",
    "Contract Month",
    "IdentifierList": {
    "@odata.type": "#DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.InstrumentIdentifierList",
    "InstrumentIdentifiers": [
    "Identifier": "TFOM3000Q4",
    "IdentifierType": "Ric"

    I tried and can make an API call successfully


    To list all available field of each report, you can use

    GET {{protocol}}{{host}}{{api}}Extractions/GetValidContentFieldTypes(ReportTemplateType=DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.ReportTemplates.ReportTemplateTypes'IntradayPricing')

    The tutorial can be found at , you'll need to change ReportTemplateTypes from 'EndOfDayPricing' to 'IntradayPricing'

    Hope this helps and please let me know in case you have any further questions


  • The data I specifically want is price and delta