Get sample equity RICs from all exchanges available globally for Level1 and Level2

Hello team, we use RFA 8.1 C++ api to consumer Level1 and Level2 market data. Our mutual client trades equities globally. We are often requited to test data coming from all global exchanges for which we need at least 2 Level1 and Level2 RIC's from every exchange. What is the easiest and quickest way to get this from RIC search tool?

For some reason we do not have access to Eikon and other dev tools. FYI.

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Hello @mktdata,

    There is no quickest way to get sample RIC's from all global exchanges. Typically, RIC is formed with a Street Symbol + Exchange Suffix - which could be used to deduce what the RIC might be. For e.g. IBM trading on NYSE would be IBM.N.

    To get a comprehensive sample RIC's, please reach out to your LSEG account manager. They might be able to use products like Datascope Select, to get you this data.