historical value of country of primary risk of a constituent


For certain constituent, the value of the fields, such as the country of primary risk, keeps being updated. Is it possible to have the historical value of these fields so that we could track the changes of the field values in history?

Best Answer

  • aramyan.h
    Answer ✓

    Hi @jian.he ,

    I have checked for TR.CoRPrimaryCountry field in Data Item Browser and it has date type output (meaning you can use fields such as 'TR.CoRPrimaryCountry.calcdate' or 'TR.CoRPrimaryCountry.date' to show dates in the output) however it doesn't seem to have a date parameter to request data historically. please see below:


    You can check for other fields you are after and if it does have date parameter you can include parameters field in your ek.get_data request:

    ek.get_data('MSFT.O', fields =["your field"], parameters = {'SDate': '2020-01-01', 'EDate':'2024-04-09'})

    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,



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