Downloading ESG data (in Python)

I am writing to report a problem using Eikon. The problem is that when downloading data (in Python) from ESG using the following main commands:

Fields = (['', 'TR.TRESGScore','TR.TRESCGCScore', 'TR.EnvironmentPillarScore','TR.TRESGEmissionsScore',
'TR.AnalyticEstimatedCO2Total','TR.AnalyticCO2','TR.CO2DirectScope1','TR.CO2IndirectScope2','TR.CO2IndirectScope3','TR.CO2EmissionTotal', 'TR.CompanyMarketCap'])
info_esg, err = ek.get_data(ric, Fields,{'SDate':'2023-09-01','EDate':'2023-09-30','FRQ':'M'})

I get the following result that when checked in Eikon itself, the values of ESG, Environment Pillar Score, Emissions Score of the Issuer (as it is a bond) do not match those shown on the page at that date (nor at previous dates). For example 84.29 downloaded through Python versus 85.22 published in Eikon.

I would like to know why this is happening and where the data I am downloading from. It is true that they are similar, but they don't match exactly. This happens with many ISINs, not just this one. It is not the case with CO2 Emissions Scope1, 2, 3, etc. variables, it only happens with ESG values.

Thank you very much in advance

Best Answer

  • aramyan.h
    Answer ✓

    Hi @diana.mykhalyuk ,

    Can you please specify where exactly in Eikon/Workspace are you comparing, and what is the isntrument you are using.

    I have tried to request the info for MSFT.O and data seem to match (in Workspace data is rounded though):

    Output from Python:


    Output in Workspace ESG Scoring Profile


    Additionally, if you hover over the (i) icon next to the field names in Workspace you can see the actual fields used in the app.

    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,



  • Did you solve your issue? Isn't ESG data updated on annual basis? What does changing freq to FY0 give?