Gas Production & Consumption

How to get data related to the pages on Gas. Daily Dry Production & Consumption Historical Lower 48 to be specific. Using Eikon and Python. Eikon Codebook and Jupyter Notebook environments.

  1. Correct instrument syntax to import the annual data of the Daily Dry Production chart for the US-Lower 48 for Natural Gas (Gas > Supply > Production > Actual > Daily Pipeline Flows) screenshot attached.daily-dry-production.png

2. Same with the Total 4-Sector Consumption Historical chart for Natural Gas Demand (Gas > Demand > Consumption > Actual > US-Lower 48) screenshot attached.historical-gas-consumption-lower-48.png

3. How to access/import full list of RICs for an option chain of an underlying security? For Example, for options on UNG, UNGP192401300.U, UNGP192401200.U, etc?

Best Answer

  • aramyan.h
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Steven.Chefas ,

    As much as I know, the data for the first two graphs is not available in Eikon. That should be available via the RDMS API. Please confirm this with the content them via Helpdesk or by contacting your Account manager.

    As for your last question, you can use the following code:

    df, err = ek.get_data('0#UNG*.U', ['PUTCALLIND', 'EXPIR_DATE'])


    Best regards,
