How can we print out NEWS Headlines in Workspace?

Seeking assistance/guidance regarding the client's query about obtaining data from the NEWS app using API.

Client is trying to retrieve the top 20 news headlines from google. Below are his steps:

- open the session on line 9

- On line 11 client call the api to retrieve the 20 news articles applying to google.

- Line 13 - 24 is code client defined to print the headlines or show the error received.

- Finally close the session.
Attaching screenshot of client's sample.newsapisample.png

The terminal shows the following output:

ScopeError: Error code -1 | Insufficient scope for key=/data/news/v1/headlines, method=GET.

Required scopes: {''}

Available scopes: {'', 'trapi.user-framework.application-metadata.raplib', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'trapi.alerts.history.crud', 'trapi.user-framework.recently-used.crud', 'trapi.synthetic.crud', 'trapi.platform.iam.guiss', '', '', '', '', '', 'trapi.sdbold', '', '', 'trapi.graphql.subscriber.access', '', 'trapi.alerts.publication.crud', 'trapi.alerts.preferences.crud', 'trapi.frtb.sentimarization', 'trapi.alerts.subscription.crud', 'trapi.platform.iam.acl_service', 'trapi.user-framework.workspace.crud'}

Missing scopes: {''}

Client's goal is to retrieve the news headlines and tweets from:

Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Berkshire Hathaway, Broadcom, Eli Lilly, Meta, Microsoft, Nvidia, and Tesla

Any assistance regarding this is appreciated.

Best Answer

  • wasin.w
    wasin.w admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello @jeffearvin.mallari01

    The error messages "ScopeError: Error code -1 | Insufficient scope for key=/data/news/v1/headlines, method=GET. Required scopes: {''}" and "Missing scopes: {''}" indicates that the client account does not have permission to request News data from the RDP News service.

    I strongly suggest you contact the client's LSEG representative to verify the client's account permission set (especially the News service).

    I hope this information helps.