When modifying an order, does the Order Ref Key change?

I am using the REDI C# Order API and modifying an existing order. When I receive the CacheControlAction for this order, the Order Ref Key has changed. Is this expected and normal behavior to receive a new Order Ref Key for a modified order?

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    I have tested it on the REDIPlus UI application.

    When I updated the order on the Message Monitor, the Order Ref Key is also changed.


    After updating the order, the new entry looks like this:


    According to this information, it is an expected behavior.


  • Thanks for confirming. Is there I field I can use when receiving the update via the OrderCacheHandler to indicate this this order was a modification?
  • @elf

    I checked the document and found the Action parameter in the CacheEvent.


    You may try to tag the order with the ClientData property.

    For more information, please refer to the REDI EMS API Specification document.