Encryption in RFA7

According to the RFA Developers guide as well as posts in this forum, RFA7.6 and later support Encryption, however when I try to enable encryption in RFA7.7 I get the following error:

2024 Apr 17 19:18:28.406 ST GMT+00:00 4296 8F2A1740 463 TRACE <- Received LoggerNotifyEvent:

[Wed Apr 17 19:18:28 2024]: (ComponentName) RSSL_Cons_Adapter: (Severity) Information: Unable to connect using RSSL_Cons_Connection "Default::Connection_RSSL smbc-poc-rt-a.rtmds-ps.refinitiv.com:14002" failed. Make sure host is available. Will retry in 15000 milliseconds (Internal debug info: "<Impl/ripcsrvr.c:4606> Error: 1004 Tunneling not supported in this library.


The exact configuration works in RFA 8.

Here are the relevant configurations:

\Connections\Connection_RSSL\connectionType = "RSSL"

\Connections\Connection_RSSL\rsslPort = "14002"

\Connections\Connection_RSSL\hostName = "smbc-poc-rt-a.rtmds-ps.refinitiv.com"

\Connections\Connection_RSSL\tunnelingType = "Encrypted"

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    They are different versions so RFA 7.x and RFA 8.x use the different versions of the underying libraries.

    I tested and found that RFA 7.x supports encrypted connections only on Windows while RFA 8.x supports encrypted connections on both Windows and Linux.

    I got the same error when using RFA 7.x on Linux.

    2024 Apr 19 04:13:49.979 ST GMT+00:00 F4 7F475740   463 TRACE <- Received LoggerNotifyEvent:
        [Fri Apr 19 04:13:49 2024]: (ComponentName) RSSL_Cons_Adapter: (Severity) Information: Unable to connect using RSSL_Cons_Connection "Default::Connection_RSSL ads:14002" failed. Make sure host is available. Will retry in 15000 milliseconds (Internal debug info: "<Impl/ripcsrvr.c:4606> Error: 1004 Tunneling not supported in this library.

    However, RFA 7.x works fine on Windows.


  • @ron.bove01

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Are you running the application on Windows?

    It was mentioned in the RFA Configuration Guide that "Internet tunnelling relies upon the Microsoft WinInet API, which limits users to 64 unique, simultaneous tunneling RFA connections". It uses Microsoft WinInet to establish HTTP connections.

  • No, the application is running on Linux. As I mentioned, the same application StarterConsumer is running fine on RFA 8 configured exactly the same way.