How can I obtain the Debtor Domicile from fixed-income funds using the Refinitiv Data API?

In the workspace, there is a section with the summary holding > debtor domicile, for fixed income funds, like TIP, it shows country and the allocation in percentage. How can I retrieve this data? I couldn't find any data item that links to this specific information:


df = rd.get_data(



# Here must be some data item that retrieves debtor domicile





Best Answer

  • bob.lee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Modum, I think this "debtor domicile" is not available in the Eikon API. Thus, you cannot find it in the Data Items Browser. This is a "collected allocations" which means it is sourced from the fund company, not dervied by Lipper from the full holdings. This data is available in the Funds API offered separately. If you have the Funds API, you should able to get it from the "collectedAllocations" data point like below:

              "code": "CDEBTDOMCAL",
              "type": {
                "id": "5004",
                "name": "Debtor Domicile"
              "values": [
                  "date": "2024-03-31",
                  "values": [
                      "name": "UNITED STATES",
                      "rank": 1,
                      "value": 99.99

    This data is also available from the Lipper for Investment Management desktop service and should also available from the Lipper data feed (LGDF) service.