All possible fields for fundamental data using Python Refinitiv API get_data() call

I've setup a Python script using the Refinitiv API and would like to retrieve a list of all fundamental fields.

The example followed can be found via: and

These examples contain fields like "", "TR.Revenue", "TR.GrossProfit".

Where can I find documentation on all fields that are available for fundamental data. Such as income, balans sheet and cashflow related fields. e.g. Revenue, Assets, CAPEX, etc. etc. etc.?

Using the following code, fields for the standardized balance sheet are retrieved, I now would like to know how to get the IncomeSheet and Cashflow statement.

import as rd rd.open_session() df =rd.get_data(['ASML.AS'], ['TR.F.BalanceSheet.fieldname','TR.F.BalanceSheet.fielddescription','TR.F.BalanceSheet'], parameters = {'Period': 'FY0','reportingState':'Rsdt', 'curn':'Native', 'Scale':'6','SORTA':'LISeq'}) rd.close_session()


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