don't get any data for a funds

don't get any data for a funds (as ex. instrument: NO0011151797) using ek.get_data. I run the check for the most used items from DIB. the result is None, refer to excel file


Best Answer

  • aramyan.h
    Answer ✓

    Hi @anna.pettersen ,

    I have tried the ek.get_date for several fields and it does return field values:

    df, err  = ek.get_data("NO0011151797", fields = ['TR.FundNAV', 'TR.FundTER', 'TR.FundTERDate'])


    If you are after a specific field you may raise a content query via so they provide you the name of the field (assuming you can't find it in DIB) so you use the query above to add the fields you are after.

    Best regards,
