Searching by RIC code datastream python api

Hi everyone.

I'm trying to use the python Datastream API (with the DatastreamPy package) to search for market data for derivatives. I'm doing this using the ds.get_data() function. I have the RIC code of a futures contract i want to get information on. I would like to get price and volume time series info on this contract.

Here is the query I have currently :

ds.get_data(tickers='AAPF3M4', fields="P", start='2024-01-01', end='2024-04-29', freq='W')

(AAPF3M4 is the RIC code of the future i'm interested in)

However when i run this is get a return table with the value :


in the "Value" column.

This method works when passing a equity ticker or ISIN in the tickers= field, but can I use this method the access market data for derivatives using only RIC code ?

Thanks for your help.

EDIT #1:

I tried using "<>" with my RIC code (i.e. tickers='<AAPF3M4>' but i still get the same error

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