Issue with DSS API validation option

I am trying to add the validation option “RequireOfferingCodeMatch" in my DSS API Query , but my result is showing as a bad request.

Ideally, I am trying to use the below preferences in my DSS API query.


API result:

Below is the API query which we are tying to run , please help us what should be the right query to add Reuters consistence offering type preference in API query.


"ExtractionRequest": {

"@odata.type": "#DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.TermsAndConditionsExtractionRequest",

"ContentFieldNames": [




"CIN Code",



"Market MIC",

"Reuters Editorial RIC Exchange Code",

"Reuters Editorial RIC",

"Asset Type",

"Asset Type Description",

"Asset SubType",

"Asset SubType Description",

"Security Long Name",

"Security Description",

"ISO Country Code",

"Currency Code",

"Coupon Rate",

"Coupon Type",

"Maturity Date",

"ISIN Change Date",

"Issue Date",

"Issuer Name",

"Issuer LEI",

"Issuer OrgID",

"Issuer PermID",

"Issuer Short Name",

"Issuer Country Code",

"Issuer ISO Country Name",

"Issuer ID",

"Parent Immediate Issuer ID",

"Parent Immediate Issuer Name",

"Parent Immediate Issuer OrgID",

"Parent Issuer ID",

"Parent Issuer Name",

"Parent Issuer OrgID",

"Parent Original Issuer ID",

"Parent Original Issuer Name",

"MiFID Primary Market",

"MiFID Regulated",

"MiFID Relevant Trading Venue - ESMA",


"Asset Status",

"Asset Status Description",

"Asset Status Effective Date",

"Security Status",

"Is Asset Active Flag",

"Active Instrument Flag",

"Tax Status",

"Credit Priority",

"Debt Type",

"Instrument Type Code",

"Credit Principal Code",

"Primary Trading RIC",

"In FCA FIRDS Flag",


"Coupon Currency",

"Dividend Currency",

"Settlement Currency",

"Country of Issuance",

"Exchange Country Code",

"Accrual Date",

"Day Count Code",

"Callable Flag",

"Putable Flag",

"ECB Indicator",

"Issue Price",

"Total Amount Outstanding",

"DTC Eligible Flag",

"Seniority Code Description",

"First Coupon Date",

"Last Coupon Date",

"Final Coupon Date",

"Coupon Frequency",

"Lot Size",

"Tick Value",

"Fund Shares Outstanding",


"Geographical Focus",

"Country of Incorporation",


"Shares Amount",

"Denomination Increment",

"Minimum Denomination",

"Next Pay Date",

"Previous Coupon Date",

"Next Call Date",

"Announcement Date",

"Days To Settle",

"Inflation Protected Flag",

"Tick Size",

"Method of Delivery"


"IdentifierList": {

"@odata.type": "#DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.InstrumentIdentifierList",

"InstrumentIdentifiers": [


"Identifier": "USU4280MAW11",

"IdentifierType": "Isin"



"ValidationOptions": {

"AllowOpenAccessInstruments": true,

"RequireOfferingCodeMatch": true


"UseUserPreferencesForValidationOptions": false




Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Upon further search, I was able to find out that RequireOfferingCodeMatch is a User Preference Option and not an Instrument Validation Option - the way you are using it.

    Please see this discussion on how to set user preference options in the API. These settings are global and can also be set using either API or DSS GUI, and have an effect on all the subsequent extractions.


  • Hello @rachana.hp,

    You can see all the available request options at the REST API help for Terms and Conditions API. RequireOfferingCodeMatch is not one of the valid options.


    I would recommend that you reach out to DSS content experts who can help you with this content query.

  • Hello @Gurpreet

    Thanks for the details , as suggested I tried , but am facing error as below , please advise how to fix it

    "error": {

    "code": "EntitySetController Unmapped Request ErrorCode",

    "message": "EntitySetController Unmapped Request ~/entityset/key/navigation"


  • You should see the correct usage in the Rest API help linked earlier. The URL used in the PUT request is incorrect.

    PUT****) HTTP/1.1