Eikon customer unable to synchronize Power BI via Python.

Can't synchronize with Power BI via Python.

Below is a simple example of the correct Python coding settings on my computer to synchronize with Power BI.

"import pandas as pd

data = [['Alex',10],['Bob',12],['Clarke',13]]

df = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['Name','Age'])

print (df)"


However, when I try to synchronize the code generated via CodeBook (CODEBK) in Power BI, the loading screen for attempting to connect to Power BI doesn't work and unfortunately doesn't allow me to access the view generated for import, as shown below.


Can you help us with this? Because apparently all the previous configuration and the appropriate installations below have also been configured for access to Refinitiv.

Installations completed:
Install Python

Install Pandas
Install Matplotlib

Install Refinitiv.Data

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    If you are using the desktop session which requires Eikon or Workspace running on the same machine, the code looks like this:

    import refinitiv.data as rd
    rd.open_session(app_key = "<app key>")
    df = rd.get_data(
       universe = ["ULSD-USG"],
       fields=["TR.BIDPrice(SDate='2022-01-01', Frq='D', EDate='0')"])


    Please refer to the quick start regarding how to create an application key.